Purpose of the Reassessment Feature
There are sometimes circumstances in which the performance measurements for a ticket become invalid or inaccurate.
This might have occurred due to a loss of connectivity between your Zendesk and the Cloudset services, but processes are in place to automatically recover and improvements in these services over time have made this situation less likely to occur.
A more likely situation is following a change to your Cloudset SLA configuration settings and there is a need to retrospectively apply the new settings to existing tickets, e.g. a change of duration in an Policy specification, a change of Business Hour or Holiday specification.
When this situation occurs, it is possible to invoke and apply a recalculation of the event timers using the latest configuration settings.
The performance measurements are then reassessed by the Cloudset service, which replays the events occurring since the ticket was created, by interrogating the ticket audit log.
As the events are replayed on the performance measurement web server a reassessment of the performance measurements is performed to determine if and when any of the event timers should have been started, paused, stopped and restarted, if the criteria for passing each event has been met by the re-calculated due date/time, or if the SLA for the event has been violated.
This feature can be used on a ticket by ticket basis as follows:
Using the Reassess Feature

The Reassess feature will observe the performance measurement specifications in use when the ticket was created and any changes made since to accurately recalculate the due date/time when appropriate based on the events in the audit log.
This includes changes to ticket priority, Policy and Region (Business Hours) applied to the ticket as well as any status changes that would have caused an event timer to pause, stop ore restart.
Using the Reenact Feature

Unlike the Reassess feature the Reenact feature will replay the events in the ticket audit log ignoring performance measurement specifications in place such as Policy, Region (Business Hours) and priority and instead use the specifications currently recorded against the ticket.
However, the Reenact feature will recognise when the event timers would have been paused, stopped and restarted due to status change events in the audit log.
This makes it possible to remove an SLA Violation caused by an incorrect Policy, Region or priority and if appropriate replace with a target pass assessment.
The Reenact feature allows for the possibility that an agent could deliberately avoid an SLA Violation by changing the priority of the ticket from high to low after the violation has occurred.
For this reason the reassessment feature is only made available for use by users of your Zendesk with full admin privileges.
Should it be necessary to recover the accurate SLA due dates/times and assessments then this can be achieved by using the Reassess feature to overwrite the results of a Reenactment.
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