Performset Initial Setup & Configuration

Performset Setup & Configuration is an Consulting Lead Service

Performset provides a set of services controlled by a Zendesk App with its own configurator, to measure performance against your service level agreements or internal targets.

The Performset configurator is a very powerful and flexible tool offering the ability to:

  • set targets for the completion of an unlimited number and type of events,
  • across an unlimited number of alternative policies, priorities and types or category of ticket,
  • each with its own supported business hours, within multiple geographical locations.

Consulting Lead Service

Due to what is often a complex set of requirements, the initial setup and configuration requires the onboarding expertise of a qualified Implementation Consultant, who will work with you to understand your full requirements and translate them into equivalent Performset configurations.

Outline Plan and Approach to Performset Setup & Configuration

The following is an outline of the plan and approach involved to understand and implement your requirements for performance measurement using Performset.

1. Establish Initial Understanding of Requirements

Before any work can start of the setup & configuration of the Performset App and services, it is first necessary to work with you to understand your requirements.

If you haven't already done so, you will be asked to provide an initial specification of your requirements for the following:

  • What Events or Metrics to Measure (e.g. Initial Response, Regular Updates, Workaround, Resolution, etc.)
  • How to Measure (how to identify when an event has been completed)
  • When to measure (e.g. on ticket creation, on escalation, on change of ticket category, etc.)
  • When and why not to measure (e.g. types or source of ticket that shouldn't be measured for performance)
  • Policy Specifications (Per Customer, Internal, Support Levels, etc.)
  • Business Operating Hours (start and end of days during which performance is measured)
  • Holidays and other Non-Working Days (specific dates when performance shouldn't be measured)
  • Geographical Locations (Customers and Agents where appropriate)

The following short video provides an overview of the procedure involved when your Implementation Consultant completes the setup and configuration.

  • This will help explain what to expect both during the initial setup and once Performset services have been switched on.
  • The video will also help clarify the type of information required in your requirement specifications and which are relevant or of no significance to your performance measurements.


2. Kick-off meeting to firm up on scope and requirements

Hopefully, at this stage you will have had opportunity to watch the short video in the previous step and exchanged communications with your Implementation Consultant to establish an initial specification of requirements.

During the kick-off meeting your Implementation Consultant will respond to any questions or concerns regarding the setup and configuration procedure.

There will also be an opportunity to discuss and clarify requirements, to establish sufficient information to be able to proceed with next steps.

Your Implementation Consultant will also provide a full explanation of the remaining steps and where/how each might involve input from you or your team 

3. Configuration of your the initial setup

This will usually take several days elapsed, during which your Implementation Consultant may need to ask a few questions for clarification purposes and to fill in any remaining gaps in known requirements.

As outlined in the above video, this work will take place in 'Testing mode' to allow the setup and configuration to take place without any noticeable change in behaviour to your existing Zendesk setup, and no impact on your agents or live tickets.

4. Testing of initial setup

Once your Implementation Consultant has made a first pass of the setup and configuration, it will be necessary to carry out a number of tests and refinements.

Given your permission, this will involve the running of some test tickets in your Zendesk to confirm all is working as per your Implementation Consultants expectations.

The test tickets will be clearly labelled to prevent confusion and concern amongst your agents and since your setup will remain in 'Testing Mode', your live tickets will continue to remain unaffected.

5. Handover for evaluation and approval

Next step will be to handover to you and your team so you can run your own tests whilst still in ‘Testing mode’, to confirm that all is working as per your expectations.

Your Implementation Consultant will explain how to achieve this.

6. Switch on Performset processing

Once the solution is confirmed as working as required it will be possible to agree a date/time to move out of 'Testing mode' and switch on Performset processing.

From this point forward:

  • All new tickets within scope of will be assigned a Policy and Region specification, used to calculated the due date and time for each event and timers will be started
  • Timers will be started for each event and the due dates and time for each will be displayed in the Performset Assistant in the ticket form and in the Performset Dashboard, from where your performance can be monitored against targets.

7. Performset Metrics available for use in your Performance Reports

As your agent start working on tickets and the events to be measured are completed, the ticket fields used to record your performance measurements will make their way into your Zendesk Explore datasets.

This will allow you to start building your own queries and dashboards to report against performance, as described in the detailed guidelines of the following article: Building an Example Performance Dashboard in Explore

8. Ongoing Support

Once your Performset  setup and configuration has been switched on it will be possible to raise any questions and issues via our Customer Support Desk:

You can also find detailed guidelines explaining how to maintain your solution once initial installation has taken place, starting with the following article: Performset Configuration

Your Implementation Consultant will remind you of these once we’ve completed your setup and we will point you towards the relevant article when appropriate as part of our ongoing support. 

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