System Driving Fields

Additional Zendesk and Cloudset specific driving field types for Rules

Some system driving field types such as Brands are not available on all Zendesk plans. Please check your plan to see if the System field you want to use is available in your Zendesk plan.


Accessing the Formset Screen:


To manage rule groups and rules, click on Formset icon (1). The Configuration will default to Formset (2) - Tickets (3) - Configuration (4).


System Driving fields


Driving selections also include System fields that contain several basic values and can also be conditionalized.

Supported system fields are as follows:

  • Priority - the priority of the ticket, according to Zendesk based rules.
  • Status - the status of the ticket, according to Zendesk based rules.
  • Type - the type of the ticket, according to Zendesk based rules.
  • Group - the group assigned to the ticket, either with/without an assignee, according to Zendesk based rules.
  • Role - the Zendesk role of the current agent who is processing the ticket. 
  • Actors - the current user, whether he/she is the 'requester' or the 'assignee' for the ticket. In some cases, a user could be the requester and the assignee.
  • Brand - the brand assigned to the ticket. Please check your Zendesk plan to see if Brand is available for you.
  • Sharing Agreements - the sharing agreements associated with the ticket. Please check your Zendesk plan to see if Sharing Agreements are available to you.
  • Ticket Form - the ticket form used for this ticket. Please check your Zendesk plan to see if Ticket Forms are available to you.
  • Cloudset agent role - the role associated with the agent currently logged in (from Tailoring). The Cloudset Tailoring App allows agent and end-user roles to be defined and associated with Groups and Organizations respectively. 
  • Cloudset end-user role - The role associated with the end-user currently logged in (from Tailoring). The Cloudset Tailoring App allows agent and end-user roles to be defined and associated with Groups and Organizations respectively. For example, an end-user will have all roles associated with all of the organizations he/she belongs to.


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