Flexible and efficient methods to identify Rule selections
In most cases a default positive selection works well, but sometimes it is more efficient to say which values are not applicable where you have several positive cases.
Accessing the Formset Screen:
To manage rule groups and rules, click on Formset icon (1). The Configuration will default to Formset (2) - Tickets (3) - Configuration (4).
Positive and Negative Driving Selections
To define a conditional rule:
1. Select a series of values from one or more driving fields.
2. Identify the values of the driving field(s) for which the rule will apply.
3. Display the controlled fields or field values.
Sometimes it is easier to reverse this logic to show the controlled field or field values when the driving field does not have one of a set of values.
To do this, click the white tick on a black background at the right hand end of the driving field.
The tick changes to a cross and reverses the logic.
Driving fields can have values which are positive or negative.
For example, for a field which has the definition "Product Type" there can be conditionalized values according to the content.
With a product type field with value software or hardware:
- Positive - show the version field when the product type field is software.
- Negative - show the version field when the product type field is not hardware.
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