You can choose what you want end-users to be able to select.
Overview of Help Center Overrides
1. Click on Formset icon (1). Formset field will default (2).
2. Click on Help Centre Tab (3). Help Center Overrides will default (4).
The Help Center Fields screen enables you to identify drop-down field values that you do not want to be available for end-users to select in the end-user interface. For example, you may have an internal severity drop-down with the highest value Severe which you only want to assign to tickets through the agent interface. End users will be able to choose from the other options available from that field.
The list of fields shown on this page is only those fields that have been set as visible and editable to end-users.
If the field is not visible and editable in the end-user interface then the option values will never be seen by the end-user and will not need restricting.
To select the field value options which you want to hide from the end-user interface:
- Click on the bar for the ticket custom field of interest (1).
- This will expand it to show the available options (2).
- Toggle the hiding of a field value by clicking the black button (3) at the left-hand side of the field value placeholder.
- Those values which are hidden are marked with a blue cross (4).
Any Driving or Controlled fields for which rules have been defined, but which are not visible in the end-user interface are highlighted in the Help Center Simulator.
Custom field not visible
If you cannot see a custom field in the list, you can check its visibility to end-users from the Zendesk Admin -> Ticket Fields page.
1. Click on the four square icon (1).
2. Click on Admin Center (2). Click on Ticket Fields (3).
1. In Zendesk Admin (1), click on Objects and rules (2).
2. Click on Fields (3) to open the Ticket Fields page (4).
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