Formset App - Native Configuration

Background and Introduction

Here we describe some practical principles such as hiding custom fields, mainly in association with hierarchical cascading of conditionality. The default app settings will cover most typical uses.

What is Cleardown?

Cleardown describes the behavior of fields set to a value when exposed but now hidden. This occurs typically as a result of selecting a different parent field. In such cases, Cleardown ensures that only the field values which are exposed can be saved.

Non-Cleardown is the opposite case. Here you are expressing that you want to preserve the value of fields set, even if they are not exposed. A typical example of non-Cleardown is a workflow form in which you do not wish to cleardown another department's fields.


  • Most of the Conditionality settings are accessible via the Configuration tool.
  • The underlining app settings are located in the Zendesk native App Management facility. This can be found at:  Zendesk Admin (Settings icon) > Apps > Manage > App Name > App Configuration



The default setting for Cleardown is set to enable Cleardown in the Add Configuration tab.


In situations where you need to mix and match Cleardown and Non-Cleardown, there are some advanced configuration options.

You can use the extra configuration tool called Sections which is exposed in the Cloudset Framework Configuration Tool:

  • Sections supports the ability to combine Cleardown and Non-Cleardown fields to enable a form that retains values, and still allows Cleardown on some fields.
  • Sections is generally not required, and you should normally not select this option to avoid complicating the configuration.


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