At a fundamental level, an Activity contains several Tasks required to complete that Activity.
Task Sets is a mode of design configuration that supports a simple collection of tasks. Those tasks may be collecting data or guidance on investigating an aspect related to completing the Activity. As such, the Tasks are largely lists or forms, although some conditional display can be helpful.
In contrast to this Task Model is the alternative mode of configuration that supports the richer design and hence agent experiences within an Activity, specifically the ability to define branching logic such that depending on data selections or questions, different pathways can be experienced by the agent.
Classic examples of this pattern is a decision tree or a process flow diagram with decision diamonds.
Process Flow Diagram
In this example, Tasks can be progressed through different tasks depending on choices made or even based on background data.
Note that these Tasks, depicted in brown, can contain Tasks Set within the Tasks themselves. As such, depending on choices and background data, the path through the Activity can vary. Hence using, the term pathways describe the journeys that can be achieved for the same broad-defined Activity.
Lifecycle Pathways
In this support ticket workflow, multiple distinct paths can be followed depending on the overall lifecycle of the ticket. The containing Actity is for Tier 1 agents processing a trouble ticket.
Path 1 is the initial triage path, with two other pathways should the ticket return to the Activity. This type of pattern is also supported by State Modelling methods.
This pattern reduces the number of Activities that may otherwise be needed i.e they are more versatile.
Decision Trees
Decision Trees are typically used to guide agents through a diagnostic interaction.
This can be experienced as a pure dynamic interaction but can also include the collection of or the setting of data as part of the flow.
It is possible to define multiple pathways using Activity level Pathways, but this requires ticket submission per transition. A significant advantage of using Task pathways is that the agent interaction is instant and continuous within an Activity.
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