Using Cloudset apps in Guide (Help Center)

Some of the Cloudset apps are able to run in the Guide interface.

  • Formset - will use the defined rules to control the visibility of ticket fields and field values when an end user is creating a new request using Guide.  When viewing an existing request, Formset will use the rules to help declutter the right hand panel.
  • Systemset - allows the definition of End User Views which will override the Zendesk default views and allow the fields displayed in the views to be customized.

These apps are enabled in Guide by the inclusion in the theme of a snippet of code that will load the relevant cloudset code and configuration data which is then used to control the Guide screens.  See below for details of setting up the code snippet.

Managing Cloudset Apps in Guide

To manage the Cloudset Apps usage in Guide (Help Center), go to the configuration screens for either Formset or Systemset.


From the configuration screen, choose the Help Center (2) tab

HC Setup.png

The image above shows the Cloudset Help Center configuration screen.  There are four main areas.

1 Code Snippet

The code snippet section has a button which will display a code snippet and instructions of how to modify your Guide theme to include this code snippet and hence enable the Cloudset apps to run in Guide.  If this code snippet is not included in your Guide theme then the Cloudset apps will not run in your Guide.

Click the button to see the snippet and instructions

HC Snippet.png

Follow the instructions to insert the code snippet.

Note: The code that is included into your Guide manipulates the structure of the page to allow Formset or Systemset to work.  This code relies on knowing the structure of the Guide page and will work when using the Copenhagen theme at version 3 or earlier.

2 Brands

Zendesk allows your account to support many different brands.  Through Guide, this often means that the end users will be going to a site whose URL is quite different to that of the main Zendesk account.  For example, your Zendesk domain may be, but you may have brands associated with product lines, for example, and

The Cloudset apps need to understand which brands are associated with your Zendesk so they know how to respond.  Click the Update Brands button every time you modify the brands associated with your Zendesk.  

3 Caching

For performance reasons, Cloudset caches details about which custom fields are defined in your Zendesk account.  If you update these definitions, you should click the Flush Cache button so that these field definitions will be looked up again.

4 Cloudset Apps

In this section will be listed the Cloudset Apps that you have installed that offer the ability to run in Guide.  Once you have configured the rules for these apps and you have included the code snippet in your Guide theme, change the drop down associated with each app to either Enabled or Disabled.

  • Enabled - the Cloudset code for the selected app will run in your Guide
  • Disabled - the Cloudset code for the selected app will not run in your Guide.
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