Flowset Release January 2025

We are pleased to announce the following changes included in the release of our Flowset product dated 23 January 2025.

Summary of Release

Flowset has been enhanced to allow user and organization custom fields to be managed as part of a task flow implementing an activity in a workflow.

User and Organization Task Fields

Using Flowset advanced models, workflow activities are broken down into task models.  The task model allows the agent to capture information and use ticket details to guide the agent.  This will  ensure all necessary details have been provided in order for the activity to complete and the workflow to move on.

In this release, task models have been enhanced to allow custom fields associated with the ticket requester and the ticket organization to be implemented as task fields. In this way the workflow can be tailored to ensure details about the requester and their organization are captured (if not already present).  Like other task fields their values can be used in conditions to control the path of the task flow; and when moving to the next activity, any field values that have been changed will be used to update their corresponding entities (User and/or Organization)  in Zendesk.

Note: if the requester and/or the organization on the ticket is changed any dependent task field values may be reinitialised based on the new ticket requester or organization.

See Activity Task Modeling for details about defining user and organization task fields.

To allow the agent to distinguish between task fields based on ticket, user and organization fields, the Flowset assistant UI has been modified slightly as follows

Ticket based task field


User based task field


Organization based task field


See Workflow Current Activity for details of the Flowset Assistant.

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