Enabling the Performset Dashboard (Performset)

- Click on the Performset icon (1).
- Click on the Configure tab (2).
- Select the Dashboard page (3).
- The Performset Dashboard can be enabled or disabled and further configured and customized using the Performset Configuration tool (4).
- Click on Save button to confirm the configuration changes (5).
*Note: this step refers specifically to the use of Performset SLA Management, so if you are making use of release SLA3 please refer to the step below.
Before the Performset Dashboard can be enabled and configured it is first necessary to have installed, setup and configured the Performset App.
Select the Performset sidebar icon (1) > Configure page (2) > Dashboard tab (3) to enable the Performset Dashboard (4) and configure from within the Performset Configuration Tool.
Remember to save all changes in order to commit the configuration settings (5).
Loading the Performset Dashboard once Enabled (Performset)

- Click on the Performset icon (6).
- Once enabled and configured, the Performset Dashboard page can be opened within the Performset SLA Management (7).
Once enabled and the configurations have been saved, the Performset Dashboard can be loaded by selecting the Dashboard page can be loaded from within the Performset Configuration Tool (4).
Enabling the Performset Dashboard

Before the Performset Dashboard can be enabled and configured it is first necessary to have installed, setup and configured the Performset App.
- Select the Performset sidebar icon (1) to enable the Performset Dashboard (3) and configure from within the Performset Configuration Tool (2).
- Make sure Activation is enabled (4).
- Remember to save all changes in order to commit the configuration settings (5).
Loading the Performset Dashboard once Enabled (SLA3)

Once enabled and the configurations have been saved, the Performset Dashboard can be loaded by selecting the sidebar icon (4).
Customizing the Dashboard Columns

- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page.
- Columns that can be configured to your requirement (1).
Setting the Labels for each Column

- In the Title and Label field, enter meaningful text (2).
- These values control the tile and label displayed in each column in the Performset Dashboard (3).
Controlling Which Events will appear in each Column

- Set these values to determine when an event will appear in each column (4).

- Performset - Configure tab - Dashboard page selected (5).
- Performset - Dashboard page selected showing the saved configured data (6).
- The left hand side column displayed with the configuration settings applied (7).
- The middle column displayed with the configuration settings applied (8).
- The right hand side column displayed with the configuration settings applied (9).
Specify when an event should appear in the leftmost column (7)
This column should be used to show events that aren't due immediately, but are on the radar and will require attention in the near future.
However, if you process a large number of tickets it might be desirable to limit the number of events on the dashboard by including only those with a due date/time on the near horizon, e.g. 10 days ahead.
Regardless of the value set for this column it will not show events that are within the range specified for the middle column.
Specify when an event should appear in the middle column (8)
This column should be used to show events with a due date/time that is imminent and so require more immediate attention.
This will include all events that are due today or within the next 24 hours.
Specify when events should appear within the rightmost column (9)
This column will only show events that have violated the SLA and have yet to be completed.
Once the event has been completed (e.g. an initial response has been given) the event will be removed from the dashboard completely.
However, it might be desirable to limit the number of these events on the dashboard by showing only those that violated recently, e.g. within the last 5 days or 120 hours old.
Control the use of System Field Filters

- In the Performset - SLA Assistant, click on Configure - Dashboard page (1).
- The Standard Facets can be enabled by checking the relevant boxes, as example (2).
- These Standard Facets will then be listed as filters in the Performset - SLA Assistant Dashboard (3).
- Filters used for the Performset Dashboard (4).
Control which of the system tick fields should be used as faceted filters in the Performset SLA Dashboard.
It is possible to select which of the system fields (2) to include in the filters (4) used for the Performset Dashboard (see Using the Performset Dashboard Filters).
*Important Note:
Please be aware that although it is possible to reintroduce any or all of these filters, the search indexes will only be built for any new events arriving on the dashboard. So the filters won't apply to any existing events in place before the filter was introduced.
Also, the data used by the dashboard might also be made available for historical reporting purposes and if these fields are removed as filters the information won't be available for this purpose.
Control the use of Custom Priority and Custom Status as Field Filters

- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page (1): Priority (3) and Status (4) boxes have been checked (Standard Facets). These will be displayed in Performset - Dashboard Filters (2).
- If a custom Priority has been used for one or more SLA Plan specifications then use of this field can also be controlled here (3).
- If a custom Status has been used then the use of this field as a filter can be controlled here (4).
If a custom priority field has been used for one or more Policy specifications (SLA3) or Policy Specifications (Performset) it is possible to control the use of this field (3) as a filter.
If a custom status has been configured using the Cloudset Custom Status App, then it is also possible to control the use of this field (4) as a filter.
(see Using the Performset Dashboard Filters)
*Important Note:
Please be aware that although it is possible to reintroduce any or all of these filters, the search indexes will only be built for any new events arriving on the dashboard. So the filters won't apply to any existing events in place before the filter was introduced.
Also, the data used by the dashboard might also be made available for historical reporting purposes and if these fields are removed as filters the information won't be available for this purpose.
Using Custom Ticket Fields as Filters

- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page (1).
- Performset - Dashboard page (2).
- It is possible to configure up to five custom ticket fields as faceted filters in the Performset SLA Dashboard (3).
It is possible to select a maximum of five additional custom ticket fields (3) to include in the filters (4) used for the Performset Dashboard (see Using the Performset Dashboard Filters).
*Important Note:
Please be aware that although it is possible to reintroduce any or all of these filters, the search indexes will only be built for any new events arriving on the dashboard. So the filters won't apply to any existing events in place before the filter was introduced.
Also, the data used by the dashboard might also be made available for historical reporting purposes and if these fields are removed as filters the information won't be available for this purpose.
Configuring the Custom Ticket Field Filters
- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page (1).
- Drag and Drop a field up and down the list to change the order (2).
- Select the X icon against an existing filter to remove from the dashboard (3).
- Select the plus icon against a custom ticket field to add to the list of faceted filters (4).
Control the use of Column Period Filters

- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page (1).
- Performset - Dashboard page: Events mode (2) and Tickets mode (3).
- Standard Facets (4) set in the Configure page (1). With corresponding Filters (5) in the Dashboard page (2).
- It is possible to include the use of filters to show only events falling within one of the configured periods (6).
- Set the filter (6) to show only events (7) failing within one column period (7).
- The filter will also apply when working in Tickets mode (3) to show only those tickets where the Next SLA Breach falls within the chosen period (8).
An optional set of filters (5) can be switched on or off (4) to show only events that fall within one of the three configurable column periods (see Customizing the Dashboard Columns above).
Selecting one of these periods (6) will filter out events to show only those that fall within the chosen period (7), e.g. next 24 hours, more than 1 day, beyond the due date/time, etc.
Using this filter will also limit the events displayed in the Performset Dashboard when working in Tickets mode (3).
Note: See also Using the Performset Dashboard Filters.
Control the Number of Displayed Facets in the Filters

- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page (1).
- Performset - Dashboard page (2).
- Use this setting (3) to determine the number of facets displayed in the indexed filter panel by default (4).
- Select More to expand the list and display all facets in a particular filter (5).
In order to avoid cluttering the filter panel with long lists of facets in a particular category it is recommended that the number displayed at any time is kept to a minimum (see Using the Performset Dashboard Filters).
However the default number of facets can be configured (3) should it become appropriate to extend or reduce the default number displayed (4).
*Note: the facets in any filter can be expanded to show a complete list by selecting the corresponding More link.
Ticket Status Filtering

- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page (1).
- Check these boxes to prevent paused timers from appearing in the Performset SLA Dashboard. Otherwise uncheck them to include Pending and/or On-hold tickets with paused event timers (2).
Defaulting Filters to use the Current Agent or Current Group

- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page (1).
- Performset - Dashboard page (2).
- Specify if the Performset SLA Dashboard should always filter tickets based on the current agent or group when first loaded (3), (4) and (5).
Depending upon the specifics of your customer support process it is often the case that an agent using the Performset Dashboard will only be interested in tickets to which he or she is assigned.
Alternatively it might be the case that an agent will usually need to be aware of tickets assigned to his or her default group to see tickets waiting in the queue that should be grabbed by the agent at the next opportunity.
Should either of the above scenarios be true it is possible to configure the Performset Dashboard (3) to set the filter so that only those tickets and associated events or tasks assigned to the current user (4) or default group (5) for the current user are displayed when first loaded.
This filter can be removed at any time after the Performset Dashboard is first loaded or reloaded, so it remains possible for an agent to see an holistic view of all tickets and incomplete events or tasks regardless of assignee or assigned group.
*Note: this configuration setting will not apply if the current user has full admin privileges, since it is assumed that an administrator will most often wish to see a compete view of all running events.
However, the filters can be set by an admin in order to see only events for tickets to which he to she is assigned should this be necessary (see Using the Performset Dashboard Filters).
Determine the Default Operating Mode

- Performset - Configure - Dashboard page (1).
- Performset - Dashboard page: Events mode (2) and Tickets mode (3).
- Control if the Performset SLA Dashboard should initially load in All Events (4). Tickets (Next Events) mode (2) or Tickets Tabular View mode (3).
As outlined in the Introduction to the Performset Dashboard several alternative modes of operation are provided.
Depending upon the nature and specifics of your customer support process your agents and/or management team might have a preference for one mode of operation.
Should this be the case it is possible to configure the Performset Dashboard to always load in your preferred mode (4).
*Note: the operating mode can be changed at any time once the Performset Dashboard has been loaded (see Introduction to the Performset Dashboard).
Setting the Default for Ticket Id and Breach At Columns
A new feature has been added to the Configure - Dashboard screen (1), Show Ticket ID (2) and Show Next SLA Breach At (3):
- Configure - Dashboard screen in the dashboard (1).
- Check the box (4) to show the ticket ID in the dashboard (2).
- Check the box (4) to show Next SLA Breach At. The date and time of a potential breach will be displayed (3).
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