Using the Performset Dashboard Filters
The Performset Dashboard provides a complete picture of the running or overdue event timers for all tickets placed under performance measurement in a single view.
However, the events or tasks can be dynamically filtered and reordered to narrow down results and identify the most important tickets in the context of the task or role making use of the SLA data.
*Note: it is possible to save filter selections as reusable views as a start point or queue for users or role players with responsibility for specific categories of ticket (see Saving Performset Dashboard Views).
Tickets are Classified using a Faceted Classification Schema

- Click on the Performset icon (1).
- Available filters are displayed in the leftmost panel on the Performset - SLA Assistant (2).
- Ticket properties are classified in a faceted classification schema and an index is maintained to show the number of ticket events by classification (3).
- The filter panel can be collapsed or expanded to show or hide the filter options (4).
When SLA is applied to a ticket the Cloudset Management Service analyzes the ticket data and updates the indexes maintained in the Performset Dashboard faceted classification schema (2).
The classification schema includes system ticket field values along with selected custom ticket field values (see Configuring and Customizing the Performset Dashboard for use of custom ticket fields).
The indexes are used to indicate the number of incomplete events for tickets that have set the value in each ticket field (3).
If necessary the side panel containing the classification schema can be collapsed or expanded to make more use of the page to display lists of ticket events (4).
The Classification Schema can be used to Filter Tickets and Events

- Select a classification (1) to show only those events for tickets using the associated values (2).
Selecting a classification (left mouse click) (1) will apply a filter showing only those events with tickets that have the associated value set in the corresponding field (2).
*Note: select the classification again to remove the filter.
Select Multiple Filters to Narrow Down Results

- Select multiple filters to progressively narrow down the number of events (1).
- The selected events are also listed at the top of the page (2).
As each additional classification is selected (1) the number of events displayed in the Performset Dashboard can be progressively narrowed down until only those events of current interest are displayed.
As each filter is selected a list of the current selections is appended at the top of the page (2) as a further indication that filters are active.
Expanding and Collapsing the Classification Schema

- Select Less to reduce the list of values displayed for a classification (1).
- Select More to extend the list of values displayed for a classification (2).
In order to avoid cluttering the filter panel with long lists of facets in a particular category it is possible to limit the number displayed at any time (see Control the Number of Displayed Facets in the Filters in Configuring and Customizing the Performset Dashboard).
When the number of values for a classification exceeds the configured limit selecting the More link (1) will expand the classification to show a full list of values for selection as filters.
Selecting the Less link (2) will reduce the list of values back to the configured limit.
Filtering the Performset Dashboard to show Specific Events

- Select an SLA Event value to display only ticket events of this type (1).
It is possible that there might be a need for an agent, team lead or manager to focus on a specific type of event for which the agent has a particular responsibility or because type of event is of more importance from an SLA perspective.
If so select the event type as a filter (1) to hide all other ticket events in the SLA-M dashboard.
Filters Apply in all Modes

- The selected filters will be shown here (1).
- The selected filters will apply regardless of the Performset - SLA Assistant (2).
- Note: The SLA Events filter only applies to the Next SLA Breach when working in Tickets mode (3).
As described in Introduction to the Performset Dashboard there are a number of alternative operating modes available for users of the Performset Dashboard.
The selected filters (1) will apply whilst working in any mode and will remain in place when switching between modes (2) unless and until reset.
*Note Concerning the Events Filter
Since when working in tickets mode the dashboard is organized based on a single event per ticket with the next due date/time, the Events filter applies to the event listed in the Next SLA Breach column.
This being the case the list of Events in the faceted classification will only include those that are the 'next event' for at least one ticket in the dashboard.
This is also reflected in the numbers for each Event that correspond to the number of tickets where the the Next SLA Breach will be for the event matching the named filter.
Using the Tickets (Next Events) Filter

- Select this filter to work in Tickets Next Events mode (1).
- Single event for each ticket, with the due date/time, that will arrive next (2).
- Overdue events for the longest period of time (3).
- The title, All (Tickets) will be displayed (4).
An additional filter is available (1) to enable working in Tickets Next Events mode.
When selected the Performset Dashboard will only show the a single event for each ticket with the due date/time that will arrive next (2), or if there are any overdue events, the event that has been overdue for the longest period of time (3) (see Introduction to the Performset Dashboard for more details).
Using the Scope Periods Filter

- In Filters Scope, Set the filter to show only events falling within one column period (1).
- In this example, only events in Next will be listed (2).
It is possible to configure the Performset Dashboard to enable filters that show only those events that fall within one of the three configurable periods ( see Customizing the Dashboard Columns and Control the use of Column Period Filters in Configuring and Customizing the Performset Dashboard for more details).
Selecting one of these Periods (1) will apply the filter and hide all ticket events that don't fall within the period represented by the corresponding column (2).
The Periods Filter also Applies in Tickets Mode

- In Filters Scope, Set the filter to show only events falling within one column period (1).
- Tickets mode selected (2).
- The filter will also apply when working in Tickets mode to show only those tickets where the Next SLA Breach fall within the chosen period (3).
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