Event Time Measurement is an optional feature of the Performset & Reporting module to accurately measure and monitor the amount of time a ticket spends within each state, or the amount of time taken to reach specified events in the ticket life cycle.
*Note: This feature is available to Performset customers when subscribing to the Advance level SLA package.
These calculations will make use of the Working Hours and Public Holidays specifications configured as part of your performance measurement setup to ensure that no time is counted during periods outside of business operating hours.
Show or Hide Measures in the Performset Assistant

- In the Performset Assistant (1)
- Click on show/hide measures to display (or hide) the SLA Event Time Measures (2)
- The information gathered by the SLA Event Time Measurement service will be displayed (3).
Calculating the time Spent within each State

The time a ticket spends in each state (4) is measured and displayed in the SLA Assistant. The colour bars will change depending on the SLA time (5).
Once installed and configured each time the ticket status changes the amount of time spent in the previous state is measured in hours to a precision of 2 decimal places (4).
As the ticket moves back and forth between each state the amount of time in each state is accumulated accordingly, e.g. open to pending and then back to open before solved.
When performing a calculation the Event Time Measurement server takes account of any non working days and hours specified within the Working Hours and Public Holidays tabs.
This ensures all calculated values include only the time elapsed during business operating hours.
Thus an accurate assessment can be made of the time taken to resolve the ticket while the ticket was in a state of New or Open, the amount of time waiting for a response from the customer (Pending), or the amount of time waiting for input or support form a third party or alternative department (On-hold).
Calculating the time to Reach Events

This Event Time Measurement service will also calculate the time taken to reach Events (6).
In most cases the service will calculate the amount of time between the creation of the ticket and the conditions being met to reach the event, e.g. agent assigned, initial response provided, workaround provided, ticket solved.
However, if an event can occur multiple times during the life of the ticket, then the average time taken to reach the event is calculated and displayed in the Performset Assistant (1).
If appropriate, the calculation will take into consideration any amount of time the event timers have been paused or stopped when the ticket was placed into a status Pending, On-Hold or Solved.
When performing a calculation the Event Time Measurement server takes account of any non working days and hours specified within the Working Hours and Public Holidays tabs.
*Note: which event timings are measured
The measurements will only be calculated for each of the events specified in the Performset Configurations and only if the event timer has been started.
The only exception to this being the time taken to solve the ticket which will always be calculated and displayed in the Performset Assistant if Event Time Measurement has been switched on for your Zendesk account.
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