Interpreting the Information in the Performset Dashboard

- Click on the Performset icon (1).
- Click on this icon to enter Events mode (2).
- Click on this icon to enter Tickets mode (3).
The Performset Dashboard provides a number of alternative dynamically configurable views of all your open tickets, interpreting the information pertaining to the progress and status of the target for each event modelled in your performance measurement process as follows.
*Note: please see Introduction to the Performset Dashboard for more detailed on the purpose and types of operational mode.
Working in Destination Board (Events) Mode
Left hand side of the Performset Dashboard Window:
- In the Performset Dashboard, hover mouse over the ticket (1), a small window opens displaying details of the ticket (2).
- The name of the ticket organization and requester are displayed against each event (3).
- Hover mouse over the countdown value to display the due date/time by when the event or task should be or should have been completed. (4).
Right hand side of the Performset Dashboard Window:
- GREY BOX: The name or label given to the event for the Policy specification (5).
- GREEN BOX: The figure displayed is the number of actual or calendar days/hours/mins elapsed before a violation will occur (6).
- AMBER BOX: The warning timer has fired for this event since the due date/time for completion is imminent (7).
- RED BOX: The SLA has been violated and the criteria for completing the event has NOT yet been met (8).
- BLACK BOX: The time for the event has been paused (9).
- The amount of time remaining before the Performset Dashboard will be automatically refreshed (10).
When using the Performset Dashboard in Events mode the Destination Board will only ever include information about ticket events that either:
- Have running timers because the criteria to determine completion the event or associated task has yet to be met
- The timers have finished but the criteria to determine completion the event or associated task has yet to be met
i.e., once the criteria to determine completion the event or associated task has been met (e.g. an initial response has been given) the event will no longer appear in this destination board.
*Note: See Identify when a timer has paused or stopped for circumstances under which an event will also not be included in the Performset Dashboard.
The following information available when using this operating mode:
1. The Ticket Subject
The subject of the ticket associated with the event.
Hover over the subject to pop-up additional information about the associated ticket such as the Status, ID, system priority, description and latest comment.
Select the subject link to drill down into the ticket form for the associated ticket from where full SLA details can be viewed using the Performset Assistant.
2. The Organization and Requester of the associated ticket
If your Performset Dashboard has been configured to include this information (see Configuring and Customizing the Performset Dashboard) then the name of the ticket organization and requester are displayed against each event.
Select the organization or requester links to drill down into the respective forms to see full details.
3. & 4. The due date/time by when the event criteria must have been met in order to pass the agreed SLA
Hover over the countdown value to display the due date/time by when the event or task should be or should have been completed.
Regardless of the time-zone associated with the ticket (see Regions), the due date/time will always be displayed using the time-zone configured in the Zendesk profile for the current user.
5. The name or label given to the event for the Policy specification
The label can be different for each type of event depending upon the configurations for the associated Policy.
Select the subject link to drill down into the ticket form for the associated ticket from where a description of the Policy and event can be viewed using the Performset Assistant.
6. The criteria for completing the event has NOT yet been met, but the timer is still running
If the event or task has NOT been completed but the due date time (9) has yet to be reached, then the Performset Dashboard will indicate that the timer is still running through the presence of a green box and the number of days/hours/mins remaining to complete the task.
*Note: the figure displayed in the green box is the number of actual or calendar days/hours/mins elapsed before a violation will occur, not the number of business hours used to calculate the due date/time, which might be significantly less.
Once the event or task has been completed then the event will no longer be displayed when using the Performset Dashboard in Events mode.
7. The warning timer has fired for this event since the due date/time for completion is imminent
If your Performset setup has been configured to make use of warning timers, then the Performset Dashboard will indicate when a warning timer has fired through the presence of an amber box.
Also depending upon your setup, a warning notification will have been emailed to the assigned agent and/or other groups and individuals.
Your Zendesk administrator will have configured the number of minutes before the due date/time that the warning timer should fire in the Policy specifications.
8. The SLA has been violated and the criteria for completing the event has NOT yet been met
If the due date/time (9) is now in the past and the event or task has still yet to be completed, then the timer will previously have been stopped and the Performset Dashboard will indicate a target violation through the presence of a red box and the number of days/hours/mins overdue.
*Note: the figure displayed in the red box is the number of actual or calendar days/hours/mins elapsed since the violation occurred, not the number of business hours used to calculate the due date/time.
Also depending upon your setup, a violation notification will have been emailed to the assigned agent and/or other groups and individuals.
Once the event or task has been completed then the event will no longer be displayed when using the Performset Dashboard in Events mode.
9. The time for the event has been paused
If your setup has been configured to pause any event timers on Pending or On-hold then these are displayed with a black background and the number of business hours remaining on the timer.
*Note: your Performset Dashboard must configured to include tickets in a status of Pending and On-Hold
10. The amount of time remaining before the Performset Dashboard will be automatically refreshed
This counter indicates the amount of time remaining before the contents of the Performset Dashboard will be refreshed with the latest information.
*Note: see Refreshing Information in the Performset Dashboard for full details.
Working in Destination Board (Tickets) Mode

- Each column can be sorted by clicking on any of the headings (1).
- Hover over the countdown value to see the name of the event and the due date/time by when the associated task must be completed (2).
Information about system ticket fields (3) and Custom Status and Custom Priority (4).
- It is possible to show or hide columns to display information about each of the Events in use by your Performset setup and configuration (5). The button will turn to dark grey once selected.
- RED TICK: The criteria for completing the event has been met, but NOT within the agreed SLA (violated) (6).
- GREEN TICK: The criteria for completing the event has been met within the agreed SLA (7).
As described in Introduction to the Performset Dashboard the Performset Dashboard provides an alternative operating mode that is more akin to a standard Zendesk view, with added benefits.
The Tickets destination board provides a tabular list of all tickets that have at least one of the following:
- Have running timers because the criteria to determine completion the event or associated task has yet to be met
- The timers have finished but the criteria to determine completion the event or associated task has yet to be met
However, unlike when working in the Events mode, so long as at least one event has yet to be completed, this destination board will also provide information about events that have met the criteria to determine completion the associated task.
Showing and Hiding Ticket ID and Breach At Columns
Two new features have been added, the ticket number (1) and the ability to display and details when a SLR breach will occur (3):
- Ticket Id can be toggled on or off by pressing the Ticket ID button (1).
- This displays the open tickets (2).
- The time which a SLA breach will occur can be toggled on or off by clicking on the Beach At button (3).
- The date and time of a potential breach will be displayed (4).
In addition to the information available when working in Events mode (see above), when using the Performset Dashboard in Tickets mode the Destination Board will also provide the following:
1. Sorting Tickets
Just like a standard Zendesk view it is possible to sort the list of tickets in the table by selecting any of the column headings.
2. The Next Event due for the associated ticket
Regardless of the number of running events the ticket will only appear once in the list and this column will always display the event or task that has the earliest due date/time and so is due for completion next to avoid an SLA breach.
Hover over the countdown value to see the name of the event and the due date/time by when the associated task must be completed.
3. Information about system ticket fields
If your Performset Dashboard has been configured to include one or more system ticket fields (see Configuring and Customizing the Performset Dashboard) then these values are displayed as columns.
4. Custom Status and Custom Priority
If your Performset solution is making use of a Custom Status and/or Custom Priority and your Performset Dashboard has been configured to make use of these fields, then the values will be displayed as columns in this destination board.
5. Information about Events
It is possible to show or hide columns to display information about each of the Events in use by your Performset setup and configuration.
This can include events that have met the criteria to determine completion the associated task.
Having done so it is then possible to sort the tickets using the column heading to bring the events of most interest or importance to the current user to the top of the queue.
6. The criteria for completing the event has been met, but NOT within the agreed SLA (violated)
If the event or task has been completed but only after the due date time, then the timer will previously have been stopped and the Performset Dashboard will indicate a target violation through the presence of a red tick.
Also depending upon your setup, a violation notification will have been emailed to the assigned agent and/or other groups and individuals.
7. The criteria for completing the event has been met within the agreed SLA
If the event or task is completed before the due date time, then the timer will be stopped and the Performset Dashboard will indicate a target pass through the presence of a green tick.
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