Please be patient, this article will be updated shortly.
The following are instructions for the use of the Regions tab to create and maintain the Region specifications involved in your solution.
If required, please see the article named Specify Regions for an explanation of when and why to configure non-working days, including examples.
Locating the Regions page:
- Click on the Performset icon (1).
- Click on the Configure tab (2).
- Select the Regions page (3).
Adding, Renaming, Reordering and Deleting Region Names
- Select the Region applicable to your country from the drop-down list (1).
- Rename the Region to a more appropriate name if required (2).
- If the country is not in the drop-down list, click on the Add button to create a new Region (3).
- Reorder the Region if required (4).
- To remove a Region, press the Delete button (5).
Using the Regions tab it is possible to rename Region sets, or Add new sets of Regions.
Rename an Existing Region set
The name of each Region set is referenced in the Performset Assistant within drop-downs for selection against Organizations when assigning an SLA.
To change a name, choose the corresponding Region set from the drop-down list (4) and select the Rename button (5).
Add a new Region set
A new Region set can be introduced to your performance measurement solution by selecting the New button (6).
This will create a new region set that can be selected within the drop-downs for selection against Organizations when assigning an SLA, with default or empty values in all configuration settings.
Delete an Existing Region
If no longer required an existing Region can deleted (7).
However, please be mindful that deleting an existing Region will remove the option value from the corresponding custom ticket field and thus the historical references will be lost in your reporting data.
Set the Description used in the Performset Assistant
- Click on the drop-down list to select the Region Name (1).
- Key in a Description suitable for that region (2).
Region Description
For each of your Regions it is possible to enter a description to be displayed in the Performset Assistant.
Choose a Region from the drop-down list (1) and type a description in the placeholder (2).
Select a Regional Timezone, Default Business Hours and Holidays
- Drag the pin to an approximate location on the map (1).
- The name should be displayed in the field (2). If not, click on the drop-down list and select the city for this Region.
- Select a set of Business Hours available from the drop-down list (3).
- Select a set of Holidays available in the drop-down list (4).
Regional Timezone
The regional timezone will determine the geographical location of the customer raising a ticket and hence is used to establish if and when the business hours apply to the ticket.
- Drag the red pin to the location on the map that is closest to the customers that will be submitting the tickets assigned to this Region (1).
- The name of the city associated with the chosen location is automatically selected in the drop-down (2).
- Alternatively, the name of the closest city can be selected manually from the drop-down (2) if a more precise setting is required.
Default Business Hours
The default working hours will be applied during calculations unless overridden in the Policies tab for a specific event and/or priority level.
- Select a set of Business Hours from the list available in the drop-down (3).
Default Public Holidays
The default public holidays will be applied during calculations unless overridden in the Policy tab for a specific event and/or priority level.
- Select a set of Holidays from the list available in the drop-down (4).
For example:
If the default Business Hours for the Region assigned to a ticket are All Day Monday thru Friday, Friday 4th July is listed as a Holiday and an initial response is required within 1 hr of ticket creation:
- If a ticket is created 1am US East Coast time Friday 4th July by a customer based in US East Coast, the due date/time for an initial response will be calculated as Monday 7th July 1am EST
- However, if a ticket is created 1am US East Coast time Friday 4th July by a customer based in US West Coast, the due date/time for an initial response will be calculated as Thursday 3rd July 11pm PST
Configuring a Default Region
- Click on the drop-down list to select the Region (1).
- Check Use as Default (2).
If your Performset setup has been scoped to allow the setting of a default it is possible to do this from within the Policies tab (see Adjusting the Scope of your SLA Setup).
This Region will then be used if none of your Region selection rules apply (see below) and a Region hasn't been inherited from the corresponding Organization (see Organization or Customer based SLA Assignments).
Select a Region from the drop-down (1) and check the box to indicate the use of the Region as the default (2).
Defining Region Selection Rules
- Region Selection Rules (1).
- Click on the Add button (2) to configure the Policy selection rules.
If your Performset setup has been scoped to allow the Region selection to be determined by ticket data it is possible to do this from within the Regions tab (see Adjusting the Scope of your SLA Setup).
One or more rules can be configured for each Region to specify the conditions under which the Region should be assigned to a ticket (see below).
Select the Add button for the corresponding Region to create a new selection rule (2).
Configure the Conditions for a Selection Rule
- Select 'All' of the values that much be set in each field for the Region assignment to apply (1).
- Select the conditions under which any value in a field can be set for the Region assignment to apply (2).
- Key in an appropriate label to describe the selection rule (3).
- Press 'OK' button to save the selection rule (4).
When defining a Region selection rule it is possible to specify All of the field values that must be set (1) in order for the Region to be assigned to a ticket.
In addition or alternatively, it is also possible to specify a list of values Any of which could be set for a field for the Region assignment to apply (2).
So in the example above the selection rule will be applied if the Priority is 'High' AND (the Type is either 'Incident' OR 'Problem' OR the ticket is submitted within Business Hours).
*Note: the rule definitions work in much the same way as the conditions defined for Zendesk Triggers and the following article provides more detail should a further explanation be required: Understanding trigger conditions and actions
Enter an appropriate label (3) to describe the purpose of the selection rule and select 'OK' to save the rule (4).
Edit or Delete Existing Selection Rules
- Multiple selection rules can be created and if necessary the rules can be changed by selecting the corresponding Edit button (1).
It is possible to create multiple rules with different combinations of field and value selections to ensure all conditions are covered.
If necessary an existing rule can be updated by selecting the corresponding Edit button (1).
- Click on the symbol (1) to open the drop-down list (2).
- Apply any necessary rule changes (2) and press OK (or Cancel if necessary) (3).
- To delete any rules no longer required, press the Delete button (3).
Defining Region Exception Rules
- Locate the Region Exception Rules (1).
- Add a new or Edit and existing Region Exception Rule by clicking on the Add or Edit button (2).
If your Performset setup has been scoped to allow the configuration exceptions at the Region level to prevent selection under specific circumstances it is possible to do this from within the Regions tab (see Adjusting the Scope of your SLA Setup).
One or more rules can be configured for each Region to specify the conditions under which the Region should not be assigned to a ticket (see below).
Select the Add button for the corresponding Region to create a new exception rule (1).
Configure the Conditions for a Selection Rule
- Enter an appropriate label to describe the exception rule (1).
- Select All of the values that must be set in each field to prevent the Policy assignment (2).
- Select the conditions under which any value in a field can be set to prevent the Policy assignment (3).
- Click on OK to save the exception rule (4).
When defining a Region exception rule it is possible to specify All of the field values that must be set (2) to prevent the Region to be assigned to a ticket.
In addition or alternatively, it is also possible to specify a list of values Any of which could be set for a field to prevent the Region assignment (3).
So in the example above the exception rule will be applied if the Type is 'Question' AND (the System Status is New, Open, Pending or On-hold.
*Note: the rule definitions work in much the same way as the conditions defined for Zendesk Triggers and the following article provides more detail should a further explanation be required: Understanding trigger conditions and actions
Enter an appropriate label (1) to describe the purpose of the exception rule and select 'OK' to save the rule (4).
Edit or Delete Existing Selection Rules
- Region Exceptions (1).
- Multiple exception rules can be created and if necessary the rules can be changed by selecting the corresponding Edit button (2).
- Apply any necessary rule changes and hit OK to save changes (1).
- If required, rules can be deleted by pressing the Delete button (2).
Specify the Precedence of Region Selection Rules
- Click on Reorder button (1). A new window opens (2).
- Click, drag and drop each Region to the desired order (3).
- Set the order of your Regions to control which set of selection criteria should take precedence (4).
- Click on OK to save the reordered Regions (5).
The order in which your Region selection and exception rules are applied can be adjusted by selected the Reorder button (1).
The Region selection and exception rules are applied according to the order for your Regions in the new window (2).
The Performset service will walk through the selection and exception rules for each Region in this order and if the criteria matches, the Region will be applied to the ticket and no attempt is made to apply the rules for any subsequent Polices in the list.
This helps to reduce the complexity and number of selection and exception rules by avoiding the need to include conditions that don't apply, simply to avoid a situation in which more than one Region selection would otherwise apply.
A dialogue is presented within which it is possible to select each Region (2) and drag & drop to the appropriate position in the list (4), to ensure that selection and exception rules are applied in the correct sequence.
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