Refreshing Information in the Performset Dashboard
As Event timers are calculated and started for a ticket, the pass criteria for an event is met or a timer finishes causes a target violation information is sent to the Performset Dashboard database.
Other non Events are also notified to the Performset Dashboard such as changes to ticket fields used as dashboard filters and/or ticket properties displayed in the dashboard.
It can take between 10 and 20 seconds for an event to be identified and processed by the Performset service before reaching the Performset Dashboard.
To avoid unnecessary network traffic by constantly polling for updates the Performset Dashboard must be refreshed to take account of the latest information and status concerning tickets and Events.
As described below the Performset Dashboard will be refreshed automatically or the option is available to manually invoke a refresh.
Automated Refreshing
- The countdown timer indicates when the next automated refresh will take place (1).
Whilst a Zendesk user is focused on the Performset Dashboard a countdown timer (1) runs to ensure the information is refreshed automatically once every 60 seconds.
If the user navigates away form the dashboard the counter will stop and no attempt is made to refresh in the background in order to avoid unnecessary service calls and network traffic.
However, if the user returns to the Performset Dashboard after a period of more than 2 minutes the information will refresh automatically when refocusing on the Performset Dashboard page.
Manually reloading or refreshing the web browser page will cause the Performset Dashboard to be refreshed, but a further option exists to manually refresh the dashboard without the need to reload the Zendesk browser page (see below).
Manual Refreshing
- The dashboard can be refreshed manually at any time by clicking on the refresh icon (1).
If there is a need or desire to refresh the Performset Dashboard before automated refresh occurs it is possible to invoke a refresh manually (1).
This will repopulate the dashboards with the latest information and status of tickets and Events held in the Performset Dashboard database.
*Note: Please be aware that it can take between 10 and 20 seconds for an event to be identified and processed by the Performset service before reaching the Performset Dashboard.
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