Edit Workflow options
To edit workflow options, double click the process shape and edit the workflow options from the properties panel.
- Double click process shape (1).
- Edit workflow options (2).
The configurable workflow options are
Status Controlled Process | Set the ticket status to solved when the workflow finishes. Prevents the status being changed to solve until the workflow finishes. |
Auto Assign On Solve | When a status controlled process finishes, assign the current agent to the ticket if there is currently no assignee. |
Mark Blocked Activities | Mark a ticket if the current activity is blocked by split parallel tickets. |
Notify Assignee When Activities Are Unblocked |
When a blocked ticket becomes unblocked, send a notification to the ticket assignee |
Persist Activity Task Data |
Remember all task data provided in activities so this can be added to a ticket as part of a comment |
Status Controlled Process
When this workflow runs on a ticket, it will take control of the status of the ticket. In general the completion of the workflow will correspond to the ticket being solved. Hence, whilst the workflow is running, solved will not be available as a status to select. When the workflow completes (i.e. you complete the final activity), the ticket will automatically be submitted as solved.
You will prevented from starting a status controlled process on a ticket that is solved. The assumption is that a status controlled process will manage a ticket from new or open status through a series of activities to ultimately solve the ticket. If the ticket is already solved then such a process cannot be applied to the ticket.
Auto Assign On Solve
This option is available for status controlled processes and will be hidden in the properties panel if the workflow is not status controlled. Choosing this option means that when a status controlled process completes on a ticket, the current agent will be assigned to the ticket if there is currently no assignee.
Mark Blocked Activities
If the workflow is defined to split off parallel tickets, then there may come a point when it is not possible to transition to the next activity until one or more parallel ticket are completed. These parallel tickets are blocking the parent ticket workflow from proceeding. Selecting this option will cause such blocked tickets to be marked (a custom drop down field [Flowset] Activity Block). The field will be given one of 3 values
- Not Blocked - the workflow is not blocked
- Partially Blocked - some, but not all transitions are blocked by parallel tickets
- Blocked - all transitions are blocked by parallel tickets
Notify Assignee When Activities Are Unblocked
This option is available if mark blocked activities is selected and will be hidden in the properties panel if mark blocked activities is disabled. Choosing this option means that when a ticket which has been blocked becomes unblocked, an email notification will be sent to the ticket assignee to let them know the workflow can proceed on the ticket.
Persist Activity Task Data
Task data is collected during the processing of an activity. This task data can be used to control further task data that should be captured and to control which transitions are available when the activity is completed. When the activity completes, some or all of the collected task field values can be added to the ticket as part of a comment, but once the activity is finished, this task data is deleted.
Enabling the 'Persist Activity Task Data' option means that the task data collected during each activity is persisted; so at any point in the workflow a ticket comment can be added to show all the data collected by the workflow so far. A typical use is to show the entire set of task data as a comment when finishing the workflow.
See Transition Comments for details of how to use this persisted data.
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