Transition Name & Description

Change a transition name and description

To edit the name and description of a transition, double click the transition link and edit the values.


When a workflow is running on a ticket and the current activity is complete, the agent is offered a list of activities that the workflow can proceed to.  If the transition link joining the current completed activity to the next one does not have a name or description, then the agent will be presented with the name of the next activity to transition to.  If the transition is named, then the agent will be presented with the transition name (and the description will be displayed as a tooltip).  When there are several routes through a workflow to an activity, naming transitions allows the agent to better understand how to proceed.

To edit the name and description of a transition, double click the transition link and then edit the name and description in the property panel that appears on the right of the screen.  Click anywhere on the diagram outside of the property editor to close it.


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