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Update the Model Configuration

The Event Time Management feature can be switched on from within the Models tab of the Performset Configurations tool (3).
Remember to Apply the model changes (4) for the changes to take effect.
*Note: this feature is model specific
This feature is only available to certain Models provided as part of the Performset extensions, so if the option isn't available in the Models tab there might be a need to consider a change of model (5).
However, we recommend that you consult Coherence Design ( for advice before applying any model changes.
Select the Type of Event Measurement (Advanced Subscription Only)

If you have subscribed to the Advanced level plan for your Performset services a number of alternative options will be presented concerning which events should be measured.
If Event Measurement has been switched on the time taken to complete each Event will be measured regardless (e.g. Hours to First Response, Average Hours to Update, Hours to Solve, etc.).
However, the following choices can be made concerning which additional events should be measured:
System Status
If this option is selected the Performset service will measure the number of business hours the ticket spends within each System Status (i.e. New, Open, Pending and On-hold) until the ticket is solved.
The total hours spent in each status is recorded in a custom field against the ticket (i.e. Hours in New, Hours in Open, Hours in Pending and Hours in On-Hold) and the values are displayed in the Performset Assistant.
Custom Status
If your Zendesk is making use of the CloudSET Custom Status App to configure an alternative to the System Status, then selecting this option will measure the number of business hours the ticket spends within each System Status.
The total hours spent in each status is recorded in a custom field against the ticket (i.e. Hours in Status, where Status is the name given to each of the options in the Custom Status field) and the values are displayed in the Performset Assistant in place of those for the System Status (see Measuring Time for a Custom Ticket Status for full instructions),
Custom Concept
An additional option is provided to enable the measurement of the number of business hours a ticket spends while each of the option values for a specified custom ticket field drop-down is set.
This option is useful when a custom field is used to monitor the progress of a ticket as it passes through each of the steps in a process lifecycle or workflow, or when control is passed between different areas of responsibility.
The total hours spent in each option value is recorded in a custom field against the ticket (i.e. Hours in Option Value, where Option Value is the name given to each of the options in the Custom Field) and the values are displayed in the Performset Assistant in place of those for the System Status (see Measuring Time for a Custom Concept for full instructions),
Save the Model Configuration Updates to Regenerate SLA Ticket Fields and Triggers

Once the Model changes have been applied it is necessary to save the configurations (5) to generate the ticket fields and triggers used to measure, record and display the amount of time spent within each of your custom states.
*Note: the configurations can be saved from within any of the tabs where the Save button is present and at the bottom of the form.
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