Save & Generate Solution Components (Performset)


1. To access Performset, click on the Performset icon (1).

2. Click on the Configure tab (2).

3. After changing the settings, click on Save or any settings will be lost (3).


Once your Cloudset Consultant has completed the setup of your event model these configurations are applied, populating the remaining tabs in the configuration tool with the appropriate fields and parameters ready for completion of the remaining configuration settings.

Then once the required settings have been completed for all tabs the configurations are saved from within any tab (3).

  • This operation will save all specifications within the performance measurement database on the web server ready for use once performance measurement is applied to your tickets (see Apply performance measurement to your Tickets).
  • When the configurations are first saved and following certain types of subsequent update, a number of Ticket Fields, Organization Fields, Targets and Triggers are generated to enable communication with the Cloudset SLA Services and record performance measurements and control data against your tickets.

Under normal circumstances your Performset solution is now ready for use and from this point the SLA will be monitored and measured for all events for all tickets created in your Zendesk account.

*Note: In a small number of cases the specifics of your customer support process and/or the contractual agreements in place with your customers might make it necessary to introduce additional triggers and/or  fields to assign control the assignment of alternative Regions, manually start and stop event timers and/or perform additional actions in the event of a target violation or warning (see Extending the Generated Solution with Custom Components (Performset)).

When this is the case then this work will be carried out by your Cloudset Consultant as part of the initial setup and configuration.


Performset specific Zendesk Components are generated by the Configuration Tool



1. Click on Settings (1).

2. Click on Triggers (2). This displays a list of triggers (3).

3. Remaining in settings (1), click on Ticket Fields (4) to display a list of Ticket Fields (5).

Saving the configurations for the first time will invoke the generation of all required components in your Zendesk account such as Ticket Fields, Organization Fields, Triggers and Targets.

These components are required to enable communication with the Cloudset SLA Services (requesting services and responding to processed requests) and recording of control data and performance measurements against your tickets (see Monitor and Measure Ticket State and Event Timings in Views and Reports).

All generate components are prefixed with SLA3 and unless otherwise advised these items should not be updated manually as this could break your performance measurement process resulting in inconsistent data and unexpected behaviour.

Most ticket fields and triggers will be regenerated each time the configurations are updated and saved and any manual updates will be overwritten.


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